District Health

The District Health team is in charge of providing the health and safety of students and staff.

  • They monitor and investigate all positive cases of COVID-19

  • See students who are injured or ill- provide emergency care when needed

  • Provide medications to those students who have medications prescribed to them

  • Assisting Health and Education planning for students with Special Needs

  • Providing Hearing, Vision, and Dental screening in cooperation with a local clinic

  • Keep track of Immunization and ensure standard immunizations are met

  • Provide training to staff on medical needs to the students

    • CPR

    • 1st Aid Training

  • Maintain medical supplies and student medical records including individualized health care plans

  • Advise the district on medically related Policies and Procedures

  • Communicate with doctors on student health needs

  • Provide education and training to students related to their health needs

Health Forms


District Nurse

Jeannie Gallacci, BSN, RN

509.932.4477 ext 3585

Please contact us at healthteam@wahluke.net if you have specific questions or concerns. 

COVID-19 District Information Portal

Student Accident Flow Chart