🎉 Join Us for a Parent Comedy Night with Ernie G! 🎤✨ The Wahluke Community Coalition and Wahluke Gear UP invite you to a night out filled with laughter and empowerment! Join us for a fun evening with award-winning empowerment comedian and corporate speaker, Ernie G! 📅 Date: Monday, October 7 🕒 Time: 6PM - 7PM 📍 Location: Wahluke High School Auditorium Ernie G will bring the laughs while reminding us all about the power of positivity and resilience. It’s the perfect night to relax, unwind, and connect with other parents in our community! Don’t miss out on this chance to enjoy some great comedy and leave feeling inspired! Bring your friends and let’s have a blast together! 🙌
20 days ago, WSD Information
Ernie G - English
Ernie G - Spanish
🎉 Staff Kick Off Day 📚 Our back-to-school staff kickoff breakfast was a huge success! It was wonderful to see everyone come together, enjoy a delicious breakfast, and reconnect before the start of the school year tomorrow! 🍎🌟 A special shoutout to our dedicated staff members celebrating milestone years of service—your hard work and commitment make all the difference! From 5 to 25 years of service, each and everyone is an essential part of the WSD Community. We are grateful for your dedication. 🤍✨ Here’s to a year of growth, teamwork, and success ahead. Let’s make it our best one yet! 💪😎 ✨📚🚌 🎉 Día de Inicio del Personal 📚 ¡Nuestro desayuno de inicio de año escolar fue un gran éxito! Fue maravilloso ver a todos reunidos, disfrutar de un delicioso desayuno y reconectar antes del comienzo del año escolar mañana. 🍎🌟 Un agradecimiento especial a nuestros miembros del personal que celebran años de servicio importantes: ¡su arduo trabajo y compromiso marcan la diferencia! Desde 5 hasta 25 años de servicio, cada uno de ustedes es una parte esencial de la comunidad de WSD. Estamos agradecidos por su dedicación. 🤍✨ Este es un año para crecer, trabajar en equipo y alcanzar el éxito. ¡Hagamos que sea el mejor hasta ahora! 💪😎
about 2 months ago, WSD Information
kick off breakfast
kick off breakfast
kick off day
5 years of service
10 years of service
20 years of service
30 years of service
📣🏋️‍♀️ Attention Students, Staff and Community: Please be advised that the school weight room will be closed for cleaning starting today and will remain closed until Monday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to maintain a clean and safe environment for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation. 📣🏋️‍♀️ Atención Estudiantes, Personal y Comunidad: Les informamos que la sala de pesas de la escuela estará cerrada por limpieza a partir de hoy y permanecerá cerrada hasta el lunes. Lamentamos cualquier inconveniente que esto pueda causar y agradecemos su comprensión mientras trabajamos para mantener un ambiente limpio y seguro para todos. Gracias por su cooperación.
2 months ago, WSD Information
weight room closed
🎒📚 Welcome Back, Wahluke Students! 📚🎒 The first day of school is just around the corner, and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome everyone back! 🚌✨ Get ready for a year filled with learning, growth, and new adventures. And don’t forget, our Open House is coming up soon! Flyers are going out with all the important details. This is the perfect chance for parents and students to meet the teachers, tour the school, and get a glimpse of what’s in store for the year. 📅 First Day of School: August 27, 2024 📅 Open House: August 27, 2024 ⏰ Time: 4:00pm - 6:30 pm 📍 Location: Every School will have Open House We’re looking forward to a fantastic year ahead. See you soon! 🌟 ✏️🍎📚 🎒📚 ¡Bienvenidos de nuevo, estudiantes de Wahluke! 📚🎒 El primer día de clases está a la vuelta de la esquina, ¡y no podríamos estar más emocionados de darles la bienvenida a todos! 🚌✨ Prepárense para un año lleno de aprendizaje, crecimiento y nuevas aventuras. Y no olviden que nuestra Casa Abierta se acerca pronto. Estaremos distribuyendo volantes con todos los detalles importantes. Esta es la oportunidad perfecta para que los padres y estudiantes conozcan a los maestros, recorran la escuela y vean lo que les espera este año. 📅 Primer Día de Clases: 27 de agosto de 2024 📅 Casa Abierta: 27 de agosto de 2024 ⏰ Hora: 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm 📍 Lugar: Cada escuela tendrá su Casa Abierta Estamos ansiosos por un año fantástico. ¡Nos vemos pronto! 🌟
2 months ago, WSD Information
Open House 24-25
Open House 24-25
Open House
🌾🐖 Thank You for Visiting Wahluke FFA at the Grant County Fair! 🐄🎉 We hope you were able to stop by and see our incredible Wahluke School District FFA students in action at the Grant County Fair! Their hard work and dedication truly shined, and we couldn’t be more proud of everything they’ve accomplished. Thank you to everyone who came out to support our students and the future of agriculture! Great job Warriors!
2 months ago, WSD Information
🎒 WSD Admin Team Gearing Up for the New School Year! 🎒 Our dedicated administrators were hard at work at this year's retreat, planning, collaborating, and preparing to make the upcoming school year the best one yet! From innovative ideas to strategic planning, we're committed to creating a supportive and enriching environment for our students and staff. 📚✨ A huge thank you to Gigi Calaway for graciously opening her home and providing a warm, welcoming space for the WSD admin retreat. 💛🏠 Stay tuned for all the exciting things we have in store! Go Warriors! #SurpriseAndDelight
2 months ago, WSD Information
admin retreat
admin retreat
admin retreat
admin retreat
admin retreat
admin retreat
admin retreat
admin retreat
🌟 The District Office Team provides lunch to Summer Staff. ☀️ Thank you WSD staff for all your hard work & effort this summer preparing the district for the 2024-25 school year! Thank you Craig & Vicki Sabin + Gigi Calaway for turning WSD into Dairy Queen for a day! 🍦🥳 #SurpriseAndDelight
2 months ago, WSD Information
Admin Lunch
Admin Lunch
Admin Lunch
📚✏️ WJH School Supply List for 2024-2025 ✏️📚 📚✏️ Lista de Útiles Escolares para la WJH del Año Escolar 2024-2025 ✏️📚
3 months ago, WSD Information
WJH Supply List
WJH Supply List
📚✏️ Elementary School Supplies List for the 2024-2025 School Year ✏️📚 Welcome August! As we prepare for another exciting year of learning and growth, please ensure your child has the following supplies. These items will help them stay organized and ready to tackle new challenges. We hope these lists helps you get ready for the new school year! If you have any questions or need assistance with supplies, please contact your students school office. Let’s make this a fantastic year of learning! 📚✏️ Lista de Útiles Escolares para la Escuela Primaria del Año Escolar 2024-2025 ✏️📚 ¡Bienvenido agosto! Mientras nos preparamos para otro emocionante año de aprendizaje y crecimiento, asegúrese de que su hijo tenga los siguientes suministros. Estos artículos les ayudarán a mantenerse organizados y listos para enfrentar nuevos desafíos. Esperamos que estas listas les ayuden a prepararse para el nuevo año escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda con los suministros, por favor contacte la oficina de la escuela de su estudiante. ¡Hagamos de este un año fantástico de aprendizaje!
3 months ago, WSD Information
ME List English
ME List Spanish
SME Supplies
SME Supplies List
SME Supply List
MSE Supply List
MSE Supply List
MSE Supply List
MSE Supply List
🏅 Celebrating an Amazing Journey! 🏅 🌟 Our Warriors hard work, dedication, and passion truly shone through, leaving a lasting impact and inspiring us all. Competing at the National level is an extraordinary achievement, and our students have shown what it means to give your all and shine brightly. Let's celebrate their journey and the amazing accomplishments they've achieved. This is just the beginning, and we're excited to see where their talent and determination will take them next! 🚀✨ 🌟🎉⭐️ 🏅 ¡Celebrando un Viaje Increíble! 🏅 🌟 El arduo trabajo, la dedicación y la pasión de nuestros estudiantes realmente brillaron, dejando un impacto duradero e inspirándonos a todos. Competir a nivel nacional es un logro extraordinario, y han demostrado lo que significa darlo todo y brillar con fuerza. Celebremos el viaje de nuestros estudiantes y los increíbles logros que han alcanzado. Esto es solo el comienzo, y estamos emocionados de ver a dónde los llevarán su talento y determinación a continuación. 🚀✨
4 months ago, Warriors Information
JH Nationals
JH Nationals
JH Nationals
JH Nationals
JH Nationals
JH Nationals
JH Nationals
JH Nationals
"No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it." ~H.E. Luccock. This past week educational professionals from all across the district took Orlando by storm to attend The Model Schools Conference. Thank you to WSD for the opportunity for collaboration.
4 months ago, WHS Information
model schools
🌞🍎 Summer Meals at Wahluke High School! 🍔🌽 Hey WSD community! 🎉 School might be out, but our kitchen is still cooking up some delicious meals for all students this summer! 🌟 📅 When? Monday to Thursday Breakfast: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Lunch: 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM *Excludes Fridays and the 4th of July 🎆 📍 Where? Wahluke High School Cafeteria 👫 Who can join? All students up to 18 years old! Best part? It’s FREE! 🎉 Bring your friends, enjoy a nutritious meal, and stay connected with your school community. 📚💛 Stay healthy and enjoy your summer break! 🌞🌼
4 months ago, Warriors Information
Summer Meals - English
Summer Meals - Spanish
If you (or your child) is scheduled for credit recovery (whs summer school) please check your email for the Google classroom invite. Also-- please note the in person check in times below. All students must check in weekly in lab 1 or with Ms. Jones via Zoom.
4 months ago, WHS Information
whs summer school
🎉📚 Last Day of School! 📚🎉 Can you believe it? Another school year has flown by! From early mornings to late-night study sessions, we've faced it all together and come out stronger. Today, we close one chapter and get ready to start an exciting new one. To all the students, teachers, and parents – THANK YOU for your dedication, hard work, and support. This year has been a journey of learning, growth, and unforgettable memories. As we step into summer, let’s take a moment to celebrate our achievements and look forward to the adventures ahead. 🌞✨ Enjoy your well-deserved break, stay safe, and see you next year for more incredible moments! 🍎☀️🌟🤍 🎉📚 ¡Último Día de Clases! 📚🎉 ¡Increíble pero cierto! ¡Otro año escolar ha volado! Desde las mañanas tempranas hasta las sesiones de estudio nocturnas, lo hemos enfrentado todo juntos y hemos salido más fuertes. Hoy, cerramos un capítulo y nos preparamos para comenzar uno nuevo y emocionante. A todos los estudiantes, maestros y padres – GRACIAS por su dedicación, trabajo arduo y apoyo. Este año ha sido un viaje de aprendizaje, crecimiento y recuerdos inolvidables. Mientras entramos en el verano, tomemos un momento para celebrar nuestros logros y mirar hacia adelante a las aventuras que nos esperan. 🌞✨ Disfruten de sus merecidas vacaciones, manténganse seguros y nos vemos el próximo año para más momentos increíbles.
4 months ago, Warriors Information
last day of school
feliz ultimo dia de classes
📢 Hi Community! Open registration starts next week! 📅 Call now to make an appointment. 📞 📢 ¡Hola comunidad! ¡Las inscripciones abiertas comienzan la próxima semana! 📅 Llame ahora para programar una cita. 📞
5 months ago, Warriors Information
Thank you MR. WAHLUKE AKA Matt Watrous for 18 years of service in our district. Happy retirement to you sir, and we can't wait to have you back as the VOICE OF WAHLUKE
5 months ago, WHS Information
🏀 We're Hiring: Head Coach for Our Basketball Team! 🏀 If you're ready to take our team to the next level, we want to hear from you! Apply now and be part of our winning tradition. For any questions please email the Athletic Director: jespindola@wahluke.net To Apply Visit https://wahluke.tedk12.com/hire/Index.aspx
5 months ago, Warriors Information
Boys Basketball Head Coach
🌟 Join Us for a Community and Parent Engagement Night! 🌟 📅 Date: May 21, 2024 🕖 Time: 6 - 8 pm 📍 Location: Wahluke High School Auditorium We're thrilled to invite you to a special event aimed at fostering stronger bonds within our community and enhancing parent involvement in our children's education! This is a fantastic opportunity to come together, learn more about gang and vaping prevention and gain insights into parental rights and responsibilities. We can't wait to see you there! ~~~~~ 🌟 ¡Únete a nosotros para una Noche de Participación Communitaria y de Padres! 🌟 📅 Fecha: 21 de mayo de 2024 🕖 Hora: 6 - 8 pm 📍 Ubicación: Auditorio de la Escuela Preparatoria Wahluke ¡Estamos emocionados de invitarte a un evento especial destinado a fomentar lazos más fuertes dentro de nuestra comunidad y mejorar la participación de los padres en la educación de nuestros hijos! ¡Esta es una oportunidad fantástica para reunirnos, aprender más sobre la prevención de pandillas y el vapeo, y obtener información sobre los derechos y responsabilidades de los padres. ¡Estamos emocionados por verte allí!
5 months ago, Warriors Information
community and parent engagement night
community and parent engagement night spanish
E-Gaming will be hosting a movie night for families on Friday the 10th at 6:00 pm in the WHS Commons. The movie will start at 6:30 PM. Concessions will be open. Feel free to bring your own folding chairs, blankets and or pillows for your own convenience.
6 months ago, WHS Information
Movie Night
Movie Night
Last day of the FFA PLANT and FLOWER SALE. Open til 4pm.
6 months ago, WHS Information